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A cluster of networked computers that are available for students to sit for the written certification examination


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Computer Lab

Computer has become an integral part of our life. It now finds its use in every aspect of human existence. Soon a time will come when every man on this planet will need to be a computer savvy to be able to stay one step ahead in this competitive world. The above requirement can be fulfilled at a place known as computer lab. Where we can do hand on practical to learn and understand the concepts and logics of various software’s in efficient manner. Without a lab, a person will only have theoretical knowledge not practical and in todays world practicals are more important than theory. So it is well said that the lab is a workshop to develop our brains.

The school is proud to have well developed computer labs wherein students get plenty of opportunities to work separately. Internet facility is also available and used in the supervision of the computer educator. Students are motivated to prepare presentations individually, introduced with the concepts of web designing, prepared to work on various languages like C, C++, VB.Net and many more.

Internet & Email

High speed (Broadband) Internet and email facilities are also available in the school. All Students of classes VI to XII have access to these facilities.

The Audio-Visual Lab

The Audio-Visual lab provides important aids for language learning and sociolinguistic skills. Students watch movies and improve their listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. As it is rightly said that.

I hear, I forget

I see, I remember

I do, I understand

Audio- visual lab caters to the need of students to stimulate their retention power and interest.

Laboratory Systems

To enhance the learning ability and skills with hands on material, the School has a number of laboratory systems such as Physics Lab, Chemistry Lab, Biology Lab, Language Lab, Quiz Lab, Maths Lab.