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Home >Director's Desk
I have the privilege to be the founder Director of this school and thus have witnessed its every activity since its early days. When I look back to 1993, when this school was established and started in few temporarily built rooms with very few number of students and since then it has travelled a long way to overcome all the financial crisis and other hurdles and today it has a reasonably big infrastructure with four storied building having more than hundred teaching and non-teaching staff and over two thousand students. Many of our students have excelled in the Academic, Sports, and other extra-curricular activities at all levels and have brought laurels to the school. In professional examination also, our many students selected in IIT, AIEEE and in other Engineering & Medical Colleges at state and national level. Being an Ex-Army officer, I firmly believe that discipline is the backbone of not only education but for every success in life, and without discipline nothing fruitful can be achieved. I have tried my level best to impart the education through exemplary Army discipline and my efforts have been to maintain a very high standard of discipline in the school campus. I keep discipline on top of everything and I have no hesitation to admit that our teachers, students and the parents have extended full co-operation and support to me to achieve my target. Tremendous progress done by this school is outcome of dedication and hard work of the teaching and non-teaching staff, the student, the parents the constant co-operation and support of Bokaro Steel Plant and the local district administration which have made it possible to overcome all the odds and to achieve the milestone where we are standing today. I sincerely convey my thanks to all of them.
